Last week, I had the privilege of meeting the amazing Jane Vella, author and founder of Global Learning Partners. Jane is a long-time friend and mentor of one of my mentors, June Gunther, founder of Teaching Horse. June invited Jane as the guest at our quarterly virtual Teaching Horse catch-up.

There were so many great takeaways from the conversation. But the one that stood out for me was,

“No laughter, no learning”

When working at our property, our leadership and team programs with the horses take place in an arena opposite my home. My elderly dad lives with us and his part of the house is the closest to the arena. The number of times he has said to me at the end of a day, “That went well today!” And when I ask him how does he know, he says that he heard so much laughter and merriment.

In the self-imposed pressure we put on ourselves to achieve defined goals, we sometimes forget these simple but important things. When people are laughing together, they are engaged, they are connected, they are learning.

Thank you, Jane, for reminding this Jane that “joy is the measure” (another Janeism).