by Jane Hemingway Mohr | Sep 26, 2021 | Leadership, Women in Leadership
Lockdowns have had a big impact on young people and on family life. Building resilience for teens and their families is essential now (and always). Is there anything more difficult that being a teenager? Well, we’d argue that being the parent of a teenager is...
by Jane Hemingway Mohr | Sep 17, 2021 | Leadership, Teamwork, Women in Leadership
For people new to leadership roles, one of the biggest development areas they often face is in their communication style. Working on a deeper understanding of their communication style and how they impact others is one of the most effective ways to improve how we work...
by Jane Hemingway Mohr | Sep 8, 2021 | Leadership, Teamwork, Women in Leadership
Spring is here, bringing new energy to humans and horses alike! It also opens up a chance to spring clean the cobwebs that may be holding us back and start anew with our workplace relationships. Hasn’t it been nice to feel spring in the air the past week? In these...
by Jane Hemingway Mohr | Aug 17, 2021 | Leadership, Teamwork, Women in Leadership
Our recent conference gave me a chance to connect with like-minded people and reignite my passion for what I do. In these physically distanced times, I think it is so important to connect with others in your field to help them refresh and reignite passion at work. ...
by Jane Hemingway Mohr | Aug 9, 2021 | Leadership, Women in Leadership
Sharing knowledge and expertise: a win-win for leaders and teams Recently, I passed a small personal landmark – the publishing of my 50th blog. The journey of sharing my experience has been a big one for me, helping me reflect on how leaders need to guide...
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